Marie-Laure Buisson
6 agents secrets d'exception
Conference and book signing
Join us for an exclusive event in French,
where Marie-Laure Buisson unveils the extraordinary lives of six women who shaped history from the shadows.
Through her book Espionnes, she takes us into the secret world of international female spies over the past 100 years.
These six remarkable women, hidden behind ordinary appearances, dedicated their lives to their nations, sacrificing everything in the name
of duty.
Come and enjoy this fascinating discussion with a selection of wine and cheese.
🗓️ Thursday, May 15th from 6 to 8 PM
📍Alliance Française Miami Metro
100 Biscayne Blvd 6th floor (Conference Room), Miami 33132
$5 general admission
$30 with book* purchase
as long as supplies last
*Espionnes, 6 agents secrets d'exception (Book in French)
Marie-Laure Buisson will be signing copies of the book at the event.
General admission
General admission
+ book
Contact us
Miami FL, 33132