In an increasingly competitive global market, businesses seek capable workers that are adapted to a globalized world. Among
sought-after qualities in employees, fluency in multiple languages is an indispensable asset. French is among the most valuable
languages to master.
Not only is French the third most widely spoken language in the business world, it’s also the official language of
the francophone world,
which is comprised of 83 countries on 5 continents, containing 16% of the world’s population.
Certifying your ability to work in french in your job sector, no matter your level (A1- beginner to C1 – advanced), will make you a more valuable job candidate. Add a Diploma in French for Professions to your CV today!

Diploma in French for Business
The Diploma in French for Business will enable you to certify that you are able to use oral and written French in an effective manner in the principal situations of professional communication, and that you are fully prepared to handle the interpersonal, administrative and commercial aspects of company business.

Diploma in French for Healthcare
This diploma is suitable to any person working in the medical field wishing to better communicate with patients, families and healthcare professionals. The Diploma in French for Healthcare is also intended to companies or institutions that want to expand their business to the French-speaking market.

Diploma in French for Tourism, Hospitality, Catering
The Diploma in French for Tourism, Hospitality and Catering assesses the level candidates have attained in comprehension and expression, both written and oral, by evaluating their performance of professional tasks: reservations, advising clients, or giving guided tours.

Diploma in French for International Relations
This diploma is intended especially for executives from international or regional organizations who need to use French in the context of their professional activity, national administrative officials likely to play a role in the work of international or European institutions, and journalists.

Alliance française miami metro is an accredited center for international diplomas and certifications by the "Chambre de Commerce
et d'Industrie - Paris Ile-De-France"
Contact us
Miami FL, 33132