Jacques Brion Scholarship 

In 2021, AFMM launched the 1st of an annual fundraiser for a Jacques Brion Scholarship in honor of Jacques Brion, who was instrumental in founding the Alliance Française Miami Metro and became its first President in 2018. Jacques worked tirelessly with the French authorities to obtain the official accreditation of the AFMM and firmly believed that South Florida deserved a great Alliance to promote the French language and francophone culture.

The Jacques Brion Scholarship reaches out to multiple recipients:

Please consider donating here:

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Please specify “Jacques Brion scholarship” on the “comment on your order” dedicated space

* Master de didactique et management du FLE/FLS en milieu plurilingue 
** L'ICEFI (Institut caribéen d'études francophones et interculturelles) est un département de l'UFR de Lettres et Sciences humaines de l'Université des Antilles, université publique française.


Founding member of Alliance Française Miami Metro
Photo credit: Christophe Roué

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100 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 2120
Miami FL, 33132

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