FULL SERIES THE MAKING OF THE FRENCH GARDEN The Evolution of French Garden Design From the Renaissance to Today
$160.00 USD
The Evolution of French Garden Design From the Renaissance to Today
JAN 13 - Introduction to French Gardens and their Designers
JAN 20 - The Gardens of the Château de Villandry
JAN 27 - The Gardens of the Château de Valmer
FEB 3 - The Gardens of the Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte
FEB 10 - The Gardens of the Château de Versailles
FEB 17 - The Gardens of the Château de Méréville and Other Early Jardins à l’Anglaise of the Pre-Revolutionary Period
FEB 24 - The Parks and Gardens of Paris
MARCH 3 - The Park and Gardens of the Domaine de Courances – “A Moveable Feast”
Every Thursday at 12 noon Central Time in Chicago/1 pm Eastern Time in Miami/19h Central European Time in Paris, from January 13 through March 3, 2022
This series of eight weekly illustrated lectures via Zoom, live from France, traces the evolution of the French garden from the enclosed gardens of the Middle Ages, through the magnificent Renaissance gardens created by Italian gardeners in the Loire Valley for the Valois kings upon their return from the Italian Wars in the 16th century, through the Classical gardens created by André Le Nôtre for Louis XIV and his court in and around Paris in the 17th century, through the landscape jardins à l’anglaise that swept France from the late 18th through the late 19th century, and ending with the revival of the formal jardins à la française at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. After an introductory lecture to give an overview of the development of the French garden and their designers over the past 500 years, the owners and historians of six of France’s most prestigious state- and privately-owned gardens open to the public will tell the stories of how their gardens were designed – and often redesigned more than once over the centuries – evoking the key designers and historical figures and events associated with their gardens. The series will conclude with an overview of the major parks and gardens of Paris.
All the lectures will be in English.
This program is presented in partnership with the Alliance Française Chicago with communication
support from the Federation of Alliances Françaises USA. the French
Heritage Society,
the Historic Gardens Foundation, The Garden
and WICE